Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to MSBTE, Mumbai,NBA Accridation for all 5 applied programmes
P.B.No.54 Gopalpur-Ranjani Road, Pandharpur-413304, Dist: Solapur, Maharashtra, India.
Phone No.+917767003372,
The Department of IT Engineering has grown over the years into a competent department with state of the art computing facilities and dedicated faculty. In the pandemic situtation of COVID-19 our faculty members has conducted more than 600 online lectures and practicals through google meet. Department has organized 03 National level Faculty development programme which had more than 600 participants. Department has organized online speech, essay Competition on the ocasion of Kranti Jyoti Savitribai Fule Jayanti. Department has also organized 40 Hrs. softskill Training for Third Year students.
To be recognized one among the premier Information Technology department in Maharashtra to empower the capabilities of students in education with professional ethics enabling students to reach higher goals in the field.
After completion of program students of Information Technology will demonstrate
1. Basic and discipline specific knowledge: apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
3. Design/ development of solutions: design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
4. Engineering tools, experimentation and testing: apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
6. Project management: use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
7. Life-long learning: ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.
This Programming LAB is used to conduct the practical performances of various programming languages like C++, Java, Advanced Java, Client side scripting, and for workshops on various languages like android, python, PHP etc.
The Network LAB-II is used to conduct the practical of network related subjects like computer network, for developing final year projects
The Multimedia LAB is used to conduct the practical of animation and multimedia technic subject, various workshops on programming languages
The Hardware and Microprocessor LAB-II is used to conduct the practical of computer hardware and maintaince
The Communincation LAB is utilized for conducting the practicals of mobile computing and communitioan techniques subjects
The Basic Electronics LAB is utilized for conducting the practicals of Basic Electronics and Digital techniques and Microprocessor subjects
Sr. No. | Event | Collaboration | Utility |
1 | Industry 4.0 Workshop | IGTR Aurangabad | For faculty and Students |
2 | Work shop on IOT | IGTR Aurangabad | For faculty and Student's |
3 | Python Programming Workshop | TechnoWings Pvt. Ltd., Solapur | For student's |
4 | PHP Programming Workshop | TechnoWings Pvt. Ltd., Solapur | For student's |
5 | Faculty Development Training Program | MSBTE Mumbai. | For Faculty |
6 | Guest Lecture on Client Side Scripting | Ranjeet Swami,(Samarth Softech Solutions pvt. ltd) | For Third Year Student |
7 | Importance of Pranayam | Samarpan | For Students |
8 | Microsoft Certification for Python ,Java and HTML with CSS | MTA and TechnoWings Pvt. Ltd. Solapur | For Student's |
9 | FDP on Artificial Intelligence with Java Platform | Mr. A. A. Gaikwad Sr.Software Developer Corporate Trainer TechnoWings Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai | For student's and Faculty |
10 | FDP on Moodle training System | Spoken Tutorial Project,IIT Bombay | For Faculty |
11 | FDP on OOMD with Star UML | Dr.S.B.Thigale , ( HOD , Computer Science and Engineering Dept.,(SVERI’S COE, Pandharpur) ) | For students and faculty |
12 | Three Day's Workshop on Deep Learning And Machine Learning | Prof.Dr.P.J.Kulkarni,Computer Science and Engineering Dept.,(Walchand College of Engineering ,Sangali) | For students and faculty |
13 | Expert Lecture on Personality Development | Mr.S.A.Pawar , ( Principal ,Udaysinh Mohite Patil English Medium School , Mangelwedha) | For students and faculty |
14 | Expert Session on Importance of Information Technology in Engineering | Mr.V.G.Chavan , (Software Engineer, Capgemini Pvt.Ltd.Pune ) | For students and faculty |
15 | Expert Session on "Carrier in Software Industry" | Mr.V.L.Jadhav , ( Senior Software Developer, TIBCO Software Pvt.Ltd.Pune ) | For students and faculty |
16 | One Day Workshop on "Design Thinking - Cooperative Learning" | Dr.S.B.Thigale , ( HOD , Computer Science and Engineering Dept.,(SVERI’S COE, Pandharpur) ) | For students and faculty |
17 | One Day Workshop on "Cyber Security Awarness and Cyber Security Career Guidance" | Mr.O.J.Harwalkar , ( Founder and CEO ,Shell Securities ) | For students and faculty |
18 | Expert Session on "Carrer Guidance on Software Training for Industrial Job" | Ms.Priyanka N.Sangale , ( Owner of CAD-DESK, Training and Placement institute Narhe-Pune ) | For students and faculty |
19 | Expert Session on "Advance Computer Networking" | Mrs. B.M.Deokar , ( Globant Services Pvt.Ltd.Pune ) | For Students |
20 | Expert Session on "JAVA PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE" | Mr.A.S.Kasabe , ( Software Engineer ,Technovibes Pvt.Ltd.Pune ) | For Students |
B.E. (W.I.T. Sangali)
माझे माध्यमिक शिक्षण छोट्या गावातून झाले. मी ठरवले होते की मला इंजीनियर होयचय. पण मला एकदम गाव सोडून बाहेर डिप्लोमा करावा असे वाटले. नंतर मग मला माझ्या गावाजवळ च कॉलेज आहे ते कळाले. मी बाहेर न जाता पुढील शिक्षणा साठी SVERI's College of Engineering (Polytechnic) Pandharpur. (Gopalpur) ची निवड केली. तेथे मला आवश्यक असे अभ्यासासाठी वातावरण मिळाले.तसेच तेथील शिक्षक वयक्तिक प्रत्येक मुलांकडे लक्ष देत असत. तेथील आधुनिक शिक्षण पद्धती मुळे अभ्यासक्रम सोपा वाटू लागला तसेच आम्ही अभ्यासक्रमाबरोबर इतर event मध्ये पण भाग घेऊ लागले यामुळे बाहेरच्या जगात इतर कोणत्या गोष्टी चालू आहेत ते कळू लागले. हे कॉलेज व तेथील शिष्त, आणि शिक्षकांच्या योग्य मार्गदर्शना मुळे माझा सर्वांगीण विकास झाला.
Senior System Analyst (Team Lead Software Engineering)
SVERI, renowned for its dedication to excellence in education, has emerged as a leading institution of learning in the region. The SVERI campus blends modern amenities with natural beauty, creating an ideal setting for academic pursuits. Offering a diverse range of programs, SVERI caters to the aspirations of students across different fields of study. Its faculty comprises experienced educators and industry professionals committed to nurturing the minds of tomorrow. Emphasizing innovation and research, SVERI encourages students to explore beyond the confines of textbooks. State-of-the-art laboratories provide students with practical, hands-on experience, bridging the gap between theory and application. Through community initiatives, SVERI has forged strong ties with local society, contributing to social development. .
Batch-2009 , Current organisation - Citibank , Designation - Intermediate Application developer
There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs And guidance to take that stairs correctly will get here only. Sveri's College of engineering poly is not just a name it's way to achieve our goal , our aim
Assistant Section Officer, Govt. of Maharashtra
I am content to be a part of SVERI. It has given me an opportunity to learn and grow. SVERI believes in the development of student's mind, body and soul. Apart from imparting a top class education, the faculty is constantly focused on on improving student's intellect and personality. What I like the most here is that in comparison to other engineering college is toppers felicitation. So Student take academics here quite seriously.
Persistent Systems (Module Lead)
I have Completed my Diploma in Information Technology from SVERI’s College of Engineering [Poly] in 2011, I was the student of first batch of diploma. I did my engineering from same college in Information Technology in 2014. Even if we are student of first batch then also every individual staff and management committee of sveri has provided all the facilities to us. I really appreciate all the hard work and efforts of all staff members. As a alumni I feel really proud that I’m pass-out from college of engineering Pandharpur. As we all grow in our professional life what matters is our core technical knowledge and communication which will help us a lot in building our future. I really appreciate the effort of Dr. N. D. Misal, Academic Coordinator Prof. S. M. Kawale and all other staff memebers for their dedicated enforcement towards every individuals growth. As said by someone our hard work will always give us back, Stay dedicated and stay focused towards technology as this is emerging era of technology.
Sr. No. | Name of the Company/Organization | Activity Conducted | Month |
1 | IncSys Pvt. Ltd | Project Guidance | December 2017 to March 2018 |
2 | Aedifico Tech Pvt. Ltd. | HTML & CSS | January 2018 |
3 | Technowings International IT Solution | Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp | August 2017 |
4 | SNITS IT Training Institute | Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp | August 2017 |
5 | Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED), Solapur | 3 Days Workshop | ------- |
10 | TRON Softech PVT.LTD.Hadpsar ,Pune. | INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE | 12/09/2023 |
11 | Source Code Technology PVT.LTD.Akurdi, Pune | INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE | 12/09/2023 |
12 | Cravita India PVT.LTd.Shivaji Nagar, Pune. | INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE | 13/09/2023 |
13 | Radiant IT Services PVT.LTD.Kharadi, Pune | INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE | 13/09/2023 |
14 | Multispark Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Kolhapur | INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE | 06/03/2024 |
15 | iGAP Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Kolhapur | INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE | 06/03/2024 |
16 | R N Softwtware Pvt.Ltd.Kolhapur | INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE | 07/03/2024 |
16 | Walstar Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Kolhapur | INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE | 07/03/2024 |
17 | Fourise Software Solution PVT.LTD.Pune | 03 Days Android Workshop | 14/03/2024 to 16/03/2024 |
Sr. No. | Title | Semester/Year/Class | Scheme | Download |
1 | 1st Sem Information Technology Curriculum | I | I |
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2 | 2nd Sem Information Technology Curriculum | II | I |
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3 | 3rd Sem Information Technology Curriculum | III | I |
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4 | 4th Sem Information Technology Curriculum | IV | I |
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5 | 5th Sem Information Technology Curriculum | V | I |
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6 | 6th Sem Information Technology Curriculum | VI | I |
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