Computer Engineering

About Department

Computer Engineering Department had been started in 2008, with intake of 60. Our department has 6 well-equipped laboratories. We have established the association “ COMPIT ” in which we conduct various activities like Quiz competition, Power point presentation, Blind C, Poster presentation, LAN gaming etc. Our department organizes various expert lectures and workshops like Android, .NET, PHP for the overall development of students. These types of activities are arranged to get better results in academics and overall development of students.

Course Details

Duration 3 YEAR
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  • Hardware & Microprocessor Lab-I

    The Hardware and Microprocessor LAB-I is used to conduct the practical's of computer hardware and network and Digital Technic and Microprocessor subjects

    Software Testing Lab

    The Software Testing LAB is used to conduct the practical's of Software testing subject and final year projects

    Programming Lab-I

    This Programming LAB is used to conduct the practical performances of various programming languages like C++, Java, Advanced Java, Client side scripting, and for workshops on various languages like android, python, PHP etc.

    Network Lab - I

    The Network LAB-I is used to conduct the practical of network related subjects like computer network, for developing final year projects

    Digital Lab

    The Digital LAB is used to conduct the practical's of Digital Technic and Microprocessor subject

    Basic Electronic LAB-I

    The Basic Electronic LAB-I is used to conduct the practical's of Basic Electronics and Elements of Electrical Engineering subjects

  • Sr. No. Event Collaboration Utility
    1 Industry 4.0 Workshop IGTR Auranagabad For faculty and Students
    2 Test Management Mr. Somnath Thigale,manager (post),saitech Solution,Sadashiv Peth,Pune For student's
    3 Industrial Project Mr. Vasekar A.M, Software Developer, Trupti Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,Pune. For student's
    5 Preparation of competitive exam Ms. Sawant P.M Project Officer,BARTI Govt of Maharastra,Pune For Student's
    6 Packages, Interfaces, Pointer Asst.Prof Sawant S.S.,RIT,Sakharale For Student's
    7 Linked list Ms. Neerajkumari Khairwal,Phd Research Scholar, Thakur Engg & Tech Kandivali,Mumbai For Student's
    8 Interprocess Communication Ms. Neerajkumari Khairwal,Phd Research Scholar, Thakur Engg & Tech Kandivali,Mumbai For Student's
    9 Digital Marketing Mr. Shriraj Karande Co-Founder, Digitaleezy, Pune For student's
    10 Data Communication Mr. Virendra Dhannalal Pawer DM Vodafon ,Mumbai For student's
    11 Awareness of Cyber & Network Security Mr. Chaudhari Harshal Senior Manager Quick Heal Technologies. For Student's
    12 Data Structure using and Industry explosure Prof. Pawar Mahesh B. Indus Soft Pvt Ltd. Pune. For student's
    13 Career Search Mr. Trimbkeshwar Mundhe, Career Search Bachat Gat, Hivarda For Student's
    15 Personality Development Mr. Arvind Joshi, Achievers Institute,Solapur For Student's
    16 Personality Development Mr.Ashwini Chavan, Achievers Institute,Solapur For Student's
    17 Microsoft Technology Associate Certification Guidelines program Mr. Bahubali Kandale, Techno Wings International IT Solutions For Student's
    18 Microsoft Certification for Python ,Java and HTML with CSS MTA and TechnoWings Pvt. Ltd. Solapur For Student's
    19 FDP on Artificial Intelligence with Java Platform Mr. A. A. Gaikwad Sr.Software Developer Corporate Trainer TechnoWings Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai For student's and Faculty
    20 FDP on Moodle training System Spoken Tutorial Project,IIT Bombay For Faculty
    21 FDP on OOMD with Star UML Prof.Dr.Somnath Thigale,Computer Science and Engineering Dept.,(SVERI’S COE, Pandharpur) For students and faculty
  • Mr. P. S. Bhandare (HOD)

    M.E. CSE Exp: 14 Years(Teaching) & 00 Year (Industrial).

    View: Profile
  • Ms.V.B.Maskar ( Lecturer )

    M.TECH. (CSE) , B.E(CSE) Exp: 05 Years. (Teaching) & 00 Year(Industrial).

    View: Profile
  • Ms. M.B. PATIL( Lecturer )

    B.TECH.(CSE) Exp:03 Years. (Teaching) & 00 Year (Industrial)

    View: profile
  • Ms.H.S.Bhandare ( Lecturer )

    B.TECH.(CSE) Exp:01 Years. (Teaching) & 00 Year (Industrial)

    View: profile
  • Mr.S.D.More ( Lecturer )

    B.TECH.(CSE) Exp:01 Years. (Teaching) & 00 Year (Industrial)

    View: profile
  • Our Pride Alumni



    I am Shivram Survase of batch 2011 from SVERI’S College of Engineering (polytechnic), pandharpur. I completed diploma in computer Engineering from this college. After completion of 10th class , I chose to complete Diploma in Computer Engineering but the problem was about the selection of right college. So, I started searching for an ideal college. When I discussed with other people & students, I found that SVERI’s Polytechnic is the perfect college to take the admission. After admission in the college, I was afraid of communication in English but I got the right training about communication skills. So, my confidence got increased. In the 10th standard, I had secured 81.00% marks. Due to the qualified staff, PPPE and Consistent study, I have always been successful in scoring higher than 81.00% in MSBTE examinations of all semesters. The Principal and all staff members take exceptional efforts for better results.The discipline, Pranayam Sessions, Night study, Test series and Personal guidance have certainly shaped my character and personality in the campus of our college. I wish that SVERI's Polytechnic College will grow high in future. Thank you!

    Mr. Guruprasad Koli

    Nice Intractives Solution Pvt. Ltd., Pune.

    SVERI's COE (Poly), Pandharpur one of the premier institute which helped me to explore my abilities and gave colors to my dreams. I did not have any unique qualities when I joined college. The peculiarity of the faculty of the institute is, their care towards the students and their positive and open nature which helped us throughout our college life. They made us feel to be at ease and taught us to realize our strengths and weaknesses. This helped us to excel in our career path. I must not forget to mention that the administrative and non teaching staff was polite and understanding too. SVERI family has played a great role in the success of my career path.If you dont mind I would like to suggest following -We have to bridge the gap between the institute and industry, Student/Alumni mentoring program. This will not only help the students but also the alumni can reconnect with their alma matter.

    Mr. Ramesh Bapurao Kadam

    System Analyst, Infosys Pvt. Ltd.,Pune

    It was a great time, spent in SVERI(DIPLOMA) pandharpur. SVERI -Computer Dept. has very wonderful faculty and they are very cooperative. The relation between faculty and student is very cordial, which gave me an opportunity to excel further. The three years spent here was splendid and has helped me excel professionally as well as personally. Apart from academic, department offers various opportunity to enjoy our college days which was attracting us towards college many of the time. Community activities, group assignments/tasks, mock interviews and employability skills development class etc., were helped me personally to groom myself in 360 degrees of life expectations. For all I would like to thank Dr. N.D.MISAL principal SVERI DIPLOMA, for giving me the opportunity to take admission. I can't forget to thank Prof. A. S. Bhise for support and encouragement to be a "Better Person".

    Mr. Sushant S. Mohite

    Founder, Director, SNITS, Pandharpur | Cyber Security Analyst at Govt. of India

    I am glad as alumni that I got the opportunity to express my feelings about SVERT's COE (Polytechnic) Pandharpur. I completed my Diploma in Computer Engineering from this college. When I completed diploma, it was my wish to enter in business. So, I ventured to establish Secure Net IT Training Solutions. I feel happy to say that SVERI's Polytechnic has converted me into a responsible person in all senses. The theoretical and practical knowledge that I got at SVERI really helped me a lot. Here I take the opportunity to thank the Principal, HOD and all faculties who spare their time for students and prepare them for life. I wish all the best for future growth of SVERI's Polytechnic. Thank you!

    Mr. Krushna Bharat Pise

    Entrepreneur & Managing Director, Secure Net IT Training Solution, Pandharpur

    स्वेरी या नावानेच सुरु झाली माझ्या शैक्षणिक जीवनाची सुरुवात. मी एक इंजिनिअर व्हावं हे स्वप्न मी व माझ्या पालकांनी पहिले त्यासाठी १२ वी करण्याचे ठरविले पण तिथे अपयश आल्या कारणाने मी इंजिनीरिंग कॉलेज ला प्रवेश घेऊ शकलो नाही, त्यावेळेस स्वेरी महाविद्यालयाने मला शिकण्याची संधी दिली. या महाविद्यालयामध्ये शिकत असल्यापासून ते आत्तापर्यंत स्वतःच्या पायावरती उभे राहण्यासाठी ज्यांचे मोलाचे मार्गदर्शन व सहकार्य लाभले ते म्हणजे आदरणीय डॉ. एन. डी. मिसाळ सर. प्रत्येक सत्रामध्ये ज्यांच्याकडून शाबासकीची पाठीवरती थाप मिळायची अन त्यातून एक नवी प्रेरणा मिळायची ते म्हणजे आदरणीय अवधूत भिसे सर व अमृत पवार सर. स्वेरी महावियालयाने मला शिक्षणाची संधी दिली व स्वतःचं अस्तित्व निर्माण करण्यासाठी पुरेपूर सहकार्य केले, त्यापध्दतीचे शिक्षण दिले त्याबद्दल मी या महाविद्यालयाचा व येथील शिक्षकांचा मनापासून ऋणी आहे.धन्यवाद..!

  • Sr. No. Name of the Company/Organization Activity Conducted Month
    1 ProAzure Software solution Pvt. Ltd, Pune Project Guidance,Industrial Visit, Industry Expert Lecture June 2019 to March 2020
    2 Technowings International IT Solution Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, Inplant Training for Student June 2019
    3 SNITS IT Training Institute Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp,Indusrial Visit, Project Guidance September 2020
    4 Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED),Solapur 3 Days Workshop --------
    5 SkillGuru International IT Solution. Project Guidance June 2019 to March 2020
    11 Source Code Technology PVT.LTD.Akurdi, Pune INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE 12/09/2023
    12 Cravita India PVT.LTd.Shivaji Nagar, Pune. INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE 13/09/2023
    13 Radiant IT Services PVT.LTD.Kharadi, Pune INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE 13/09/2023
    14 Multispark Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Kolhapur INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE 06/03/2024
    15 iGAP Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Kolhapur INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE 06/03/2024
    16 R N Softwtware Pvt.Ltd.Kolhapur INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE 07/03/2024
    17 Walstar Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Kolhapur INDUSTRIAL VISIT AND PROJECT GUIDANCE 07/03/2024
    18 Fourise Software Solution PVT.LTD.Pune 03 Days Android Workshop 14/03/2024 to 16/03/2024

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