Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to MSBTE, Mumbai,NBA Accridation for all 5 applied programmes
P.B.No.54 Gopalpur-Ranjani Road, Pandharpur-413304, Dist: Solapur, Maharashtra, India.
Phone No.+917767003372,
The department of civil engineering was established in 2009.Since it is establishment the department has been achieving success in both the academic and extra curricular activities.The department has well-qualified faculty members who are dedicated for the overall development of the students.Guest lectures seminars and different guidance sessions are regularly arranged for overall development of the student. The students are made aware about the actual work in the field of the Civil Engineering through the site visits.The results of the students in MSBTE examinations are remarkable and some students at the top levels of the achievements. The department has well furnished Laboratories with the required facilities and equipments.It is the aim of this department to produce efficient civil engineers with all the required skill in the field.
To provide diploma education strengthened with basic knowledge and skills along with professional ethics enabling students to reach excellent goals in the field of Civil Engineering
1. Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the civil engineering problems.
2. Identify and analyse well-defined civil engineering problems using codified standard methods.
3. Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
4. Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
5. Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
6. Use civil engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
7. Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.
Geotechnical Engineering lab is used to conduct various test for checking the condition of various types of soils used for construction.
Concrete Technology Lab is Used for conduct test on cement , sand , aggregate & concrete to analyze the quality of material
CAD Lab is used for Draw the various plans, Section & Elevation of various structures which is useful for execution of work.
Applied Mechanics Lab is used for conduct the practicals which are required to understand various types of forces acting on structure.
Surveying Lab is Used for conduct various field measurement which are required before execution of work.
Environmental Engineering Lab is used to conduct test on raw water & sewage water to check properties and quality of water.
- Strength of material Lab is used for conduct various practicals to test properties of steel, brick , flooring material.
Highway Engineering Lab is used for conduct various test on material which are used for various types of road construction.
Sr. No. | Event | Collaboration | Utility |
1 | Advance trends in Concrete Technology | Mr. Laxman N. Kawathe, Dsight Construction, Omerga | For Students |
2 | Steel Structure & RCC Structure | Mr. Laxman N. Kawathe, Dsight Construction, Omerga | For student's |
3 | Autocad software | Mr.Amar Pawar, Head Of CADD Center, Pandharpur | For student's |
4 | How to Prepare for Civil Engineering Copitative Exam | Mr. Sumit Belpatre, Assistant Executive Engineer, Maharashtra Jivan Pradhikaran, Gondia. | For Student's |
5 | Opportunities and Challenges After Civil Engineering | Mr. Behare S. A. Senior Manager, Gammon India Ltd. | For Student's |
6 | Accounts in PWD and payment to the contractor | Mr. Nagane S. B. Jr. Engineer, Zillha Parishad, B&C Department Pandharpur | For Student's |
7 | Disposal Of Solid Waste | Mr. M. S. Survase, Assistant Professor SVERI's COE Pandharpur. | For Student's |
8 | Financial Management | Mrs. R. N. Misal Assistant Professor SVERI's COE Pandharpur | For Student's |
9 | How to Prepare for future | Mr. Chorde Pritam Junior Engineer, Water Resource Department, Gevarai | For student's |
10 | Latest Trades In Civil Engineering | Mr. Kandle B. M. Propritor Technowings, Solapur | For student's |
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स्व्हेरी मध्ये थेअरी सोबतच प्रॅक्टिकल वर हि खूप भर दिला जातो त्यामुळेच इंडस्ट्रियल व्हिसीट्स, साईट्स व्हिसिट यांचा मला खूप फायदा झाला आणि म्हणूनच मी आज स्वतःचा व्यवसाय अतिशय चांगल्या पद्धतीने उभारू शकलो.स्वेरीत कायम शिकवण्यात आले की हार्ड वर्क शिवाय पर्याय नाही पण ते योग्य दिशेने असले पाहिजे आणि याच शिकवणीचा लाभ आजही मला होतो आहे.
MEP Infrastructure developers limited
शिस्तप्रिय स्वेरी मुळे वेळेचं महत्व समजले आयुष्यात त्याचा चांगल्या नावाजलेल्या कंपनी मध्ये चांगल्या पदावर निवडीसाठी फायदा झाला. प्रॉक्टर सारख्या संकल्पनांमुळे इंग्लिश भाषेवर प्रभुत्व मिळवण्यास मदत झाली व एकंदरीतच व्यक्तिमत्व विकास झाला. अभ्यासाबरोबरच येथे प्रत्येक महत्वाचा दिवस उदारणार्थ शिवजयंती, आंबेड्कर जयंती, महिला दिन अतिशय उत्सहात साजरा केला जातो त्यामुळे समाज्याच्या बांधिलकेचे भान आले. थोडक्यातच काय तर स्वेरीने माणूस म्हणून जगायला शिकवले.
Jr. Engineer
स्व्हेरी मुळे आज या स्पर्धेचा जगात आत्मविश्वासाने वावरणे शक्य झाले. तसे हे कॉलेज फारच शिस्तप्रिय आहे आणि त्यामुळेच येतील विद्यार्थ्यांना वेळेचे महत्व आणि भान आहे. सामान्य कुटूंबातील मुलासनसाठी स्व्हेरी तसे वरदानच. पंढरपूर सारख्या छोया शहरात उच्चप्रतीचे शिक्षण मिळवण्याचे हे ठिकाण. त्यात मी सिविल डिपार्टमेंटचा.तेथील गुवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षणाने माझा एक स्वयंपूर्ण व्यक्ती म्हणून विकास होण्यास मदत झाली. साध्या गावातून आलेला मी आज आत्मविश्वासाने इंग्लिश बोलू शकतो ते sveri च्या प्रॉक्टर चा संकल्पनेने. गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षण आणि सर्वांगाने व्यक्तिमत्व विकास या साठी मी सिविल डिपार्टमेंट आणि स्व्हेरी चा कायम ऋणी राहील.
स्वेरी हे कॉलेज येथील शिस्ती साठी प्रसिद्ध आहे. तसेच हा अँटी रॅगिंग कॅम्पस असल्याने येथे विद्यार्थी अतिशय सुरक्षित आहेत. गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षणाने विद्यार्थनचा व्यक्तिमत्व पूर्णपणे विकसित होण्यास मदत होते. पंढरपूर पॅटर्न नुसार अभ्यास बरोबरच कोम्मुनिकेशन स्किल वर सुद्धा लक्ष केंद्रित केले जाते. त्याच बरोबर CESA कडून ज्या स्पर्धा आयोजित केल्या जातात त्यामुळे विद्यार्थ्यांचा कल्पनांना हक्काचे व्यासपीठ भेटते व त्यांची संशोधनवृत्ती वाढीस लागते. "तुमचे व्यक्तिमत्वच तुमचे भविष्य घडवते " या ब्रिदवाक्यानुसार व्यक्तिमत्वाच्या जडणघडणीत येथील शिक्षक व कर्मचारी पूर्णपणे मदत करतात. विठ्ठलाच्या पंढरीत स्व्हेरी ही शिक्षणाची पांढरी आहे!
Sr. No. | Name of the Company/Organization | Activity Conducted | Month |
1 | D.G. Sudake Gov. Contractor, Pandharpur | Industrial visit | Jan 2019 |
2 | Balaji Construction Pandharpur | Industrial visit | Feb 2019 |
3 | Shri Varad Construction Pandharpur | Industrial visit | Feb 2019 |
4 | Bagal V.C.Gov.Contractor Pandharpur. | Guest Lecture | March 2019 |
5 | Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED), Solapur | 3 Days Workshop | --------- |
6 | NP Construction | Industrial Visit | April 2022 |
7 | Shri Varad Construction,Pandharpur | Industrial Visit | April 2022 |
8 | K.D.Sudake Gov. Contractor,Pandharpur | Industrial Visit | May 2022 |
9 | Sarthak Construction | Industrial Visit | May 2022 |
10 | Shri Varad Construction | Guest Lecture | OCT 2021 |
11 | Manoj Construction & Infrastructure | Guest Lecture | Nov 2021 |
12 | Dhanraj Construction & consultant | Guest Lecture | April 2022 |
Sr. No. | title | Semester | Scheme | Download |
1 | 1st Sem Civil Engineering Curriculum | I | I |
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2 | 2nd Sem Civil Engineering Curriculum | II | I |
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3 | 3rd Sem Civil Engineering Curriculum | III | I |
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4 | 4th Sem Civil Engineering Curriculum | IV | I |
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5 | 5th Sem Civil Engineering Curriculum | V | I |
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6 | 6th Sem Civil Engineering Curriculum | VI | I |
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